Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The Saga Continues

The quickest way to find out who your friends are is to get into a situation where you really need help. Once people who knew us found out what are answer to homelessness was, it was like we had contracted some incredibly vile contaigiuos disease. My families answer was something that sounded a lot like "If you stop resisting employment," and get rid of the only real friend you guys have, (Louie) you could get into subsidised housing. Great We talked to a couple of people we knew would get into trouble if they helped us , to see if they could think of something we hadn't and they said "we'd be honored to help you". We had a place to park while we looked for a more realistic solution. We would go to a camping ground for a while, then go to our driveway spot then Wal-mart. then another Parking lot where I was working. It actually got nice working this out A buddy let us put our phone at his address. The phone company put a interface on the house and we ran the comwire to it. We had a phone mount in the trailer and a modem for one of my junkyard computers. We started looking in earnest, figuring that everymonth we didn't pay some landlords mortgage or send some guys kids to college. we could grow our bank to the point where we could put a down payment on a real piece of property. Enter disaster. I had been looking for a job with decent pay and having no luck at all, when a friend of mine who runs a company that does millwright work,asked me to come out for breakfast. He asked me my opinion of a couple jobs he was quoting. They were nice jobs involving rebuilding conveyors in a flourmill. Since my buddy has MS and understands the racist policies of employers regarding hiring people with slight medical problems, my back and neck problems weren't going to be a problem. We finally had a good job for me and my wife had good insurance. My buddies company had a couple good sized jobs then the one big one we were looking to get, a complete overhaul of some grain conveyors. 270 feet of 24 inch wide paddle conveyers 150 feet in the air. Not a horrible job actually, we had a rigging company come in with a 250 foot crane and were able to break the housings into 16-32 foot sections, and lower them to the ground where we moved them into a shop where we could work. After a long day of rigging around, the crew would head home to showers and bed and come back in the morning. A couple days into the job the crew decided that we needed specialised tools to make the job go better. Since it was Friday and we wouldn't be working all weakened, I went to the storage where I have some tools. Coming round the back of my truck, my left leg collapsed. (Damn Spinal stenosis!!) Broke my little toe clean off. Hurt like hell too. I went to the emergency room and spent the kinda fun filled night you can only have there. Made an appointment with the bone guy, had to wait a couple days, (frickin insurance companies), and got an aircast. Now I wasn't allowed onto the property where I was working. Luckilly for the guy who owns the company , he had a relative who had just lost a bid on a job he really wanted. So he was able to pick up where I had to leaf off. This left me however without an income again, but we had caught up on a bunch of bills that needed catching up with.


Blogger Unknown said...

The good old days.

11:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The good old days.

11:37 PM  

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