has it really almost been a year???
Wow, It has been extremly busy since last time. I'll try to catch up with a couple posts so as not to have one huge one that will overrun the page. We changed some bad pipes in the cellar in preparation for bringing in machinery from everywhere I have had it stored. (I have some machinery moving pictures as well.) But right in the middle of hauling stuff to the scrapyard and moving stuff and changing pipes, I had a real job for a couple months. I had to find someone to come and take Louie out for his mid-day Bark and give him some food. (He is mostly beagle and one thing everyone has told me is Don't leave a full dog dish near a beagle). Now during the time in the trailer, this was never an issue. But for some reason, once we started house living again, He would eat all his food at once.. and he's not as FAT as he looks... He is built like a bulldozer.. but he still don't need to be left with a full food bowl because it won't make is past 9 AM... (I was leaving at 5:30 AM and on most days the earliest anyone would have been home was 5:30 -6:00). So Milly would handle giving him his morning food at 7:15 as she was leaving... and I had a local gal come and take him out for a nice walk around 2 PM and give him his midday bowl , and We would give him is night bowl at about 8..
It was nice having an income for a bit But I was left with a ton of catch up...
And as promised, I finally got used to being follicularly depraved, have had a couple haircuts since last July the 5th and have settled on what seems to be what the hair is going to be for a while. So here's a picture. Nothing personal about the serious expression, but I was trying to land in my seat before the timer went of in my camera.
It was nice having an income for a bit But I was left with a ton of catch up...
And as promised, I finally got used to being follicularly depraved, have had a couple haircuts since last July the 5th and have settled on what seems to be what the hair is going to be for a while. So here's a picture. Nothing personal about the serious expression, but I was trying to land in my seat before the timer went of in my camera.