Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lots of things since Christmas...

Been a rough ride since Christmas here... Though... I can't complain about the weather. Don't like snow much anymore and I'm not seeing much...
Buddy of mine has been having health and Town issues and came to the great realization... Not all of these projects are going to even get started ... never mind finished...
I arrived at this place a couple years ago and unloading took a load off for me... I think its having a similar defect upon him...
Anyhow we hauled a bunch of dead projects off to the land of metallic dead projects and got him a bit of money to work on other projects... (Like heating the house) and making mortgage payments... I'm always glad when some sort of plan comes together... Though it don't happen often for me...
Been supplementing my overpriced , don't have enough money to get the oil truck to come, oil heat with a chubby coal stove... I'm fairly convinced that G-d has one of these in his place where he might need it... Wonderful device... I know have Two of them... Was going to put one upstairs in the living room installed like the one on the chubby site... But money has been tight this year and I didn't have enough cash to buy a chimney liner. So I have had much time to clean up the second one. I also had the ancient one part pot lose a grate bar... (It used to be pushed way hard in a previous life and was a bit droopy when I got it), SO I put the shaker grate from the project one in the mainline stove... Went down to shake down tonight and the little tab the shaker handle hooks to dropped off... Looks like I am going to be sending out an order to Bryantville soon... All of the parts are still available, and I guess I need a new grate... Bummer... not much if any spare money lately...
Anyhow... My furry Beagle wanted to go out tonight ... and took an very short time to decide to come in... Evidently something in the neighborhood caused a skunk to unload out back ... Shiloh wasn't the source of the black and white guys displeasure at least... the odor was quite strong but Shiloh was unsprayed.
at least I'm not dog washing... Anyhow...
